Furniture; bed furnishings, upholstered Furnishings; lighting fixtures; illuminated signs; prefabricated buildings
HS Code: 94
Description: HS Code 94 encompasses items related to furniture, such as beds, mattresses, office furniture, and furniture parts. It also includes lighting fixtures and fittings like lamps, lanterns, and their parts. This category denotes these goods for purposes of international trade and shipment.
Which are the most important countries Bosnia and Herzegovina is selling »Furniture; bed furnishings, upholstered Furnishings; lighting fixtures; illuminated signs; prefabricated buildings« (HS Code: 94) to?
Which companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina are selling »Furniture; bed furnishings, upholstered Furnishings; lighting fixtures; illuminated signs; prefabricated buildings« (HS Code: 94)?
Companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina selling »Furniture; bed furnishings, upholstered Furnishings; lighting fixtures; illuminated signs; prefabricated buildings« (HS-Code: 94) can be found within the Free Search of ABRAMS world trade wiki.
Who are the customers of »Furniture; bed furnishings, upholstered Furnishings; lighting fixtures; illuminated signs; prefabricated buildings« (HS Code: 94) for suppliers from Bosnia and Herzegovina?
Customers for »Furniture; bed furnishings, upholstered Furnishings; lighting fixtures; illuminated signs; prefabricated buildings« (HS-Code: 94) with suppliers from Bosnia and Herzegovina can be found within the Free Search of ABRAMS world trade wiki.