Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations
HS Code: 33
Description: HS Code 33 pertains to the classification of essential oils and resinoids, perfumery, cosmetic, or toilet preparations. This includes items such as perfumes, makeup, skincare products, hair products, oral or dental hygiene products, and shaving preparations. These items are important in personal care and beauty industries.
Which are the most important countries Comoros is selling »Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations« (HS Code: 33) to?
Which companies in Comoros are selling »Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations« (HS Code: 33)?
Companies in Comoros selling »Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations« (HS-Code: 33) can be found within the Free Search of ABRAMS world trade wiki.
Who are the customers of »Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations« (HS Code: 33) for suppliers from Comoros?
Customers for »Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations« (HS-Code: 33) with suppliers from Comoros can be found within the Free Search of ABRAMS world trade wiki.