Aluminium and articles thereof
HS Code: 76
Description: HS Code 76 pertains to the classification of aluminum and articles thereof. It categorizes products made primarily or entirely from the lightweight, corrosion-resistant metal. It includes, but not limited to, raw aluminum, aluminum waste, scrap, powders, flakes, bars, rods, profiles, plates, sheets, strips, tubes, pipes, and other aluminum goods.
Which are the most important countries Mozambique is selling »Aluminium and articles thereof« (HS Code: 76) to?
Which companies in Mozambique are selling »Aluminium and articles thereof« (HS Code: 76)?
Companies in Mozambique selling »Aluminium and articles thereof« (HS-Code: 76) can be found within the Free Search of ABRAMS world trade wiki.
Who are the customers of »Aluminium and articles thereof« (HS Code: 76) for suppliers from Mozambique?
Customers for »Aluminium and articles thereof« (HS-Code: 76) with suppliers from Mozambique can be found within the Free Search of ABRAMS world trade wiki.